
Student Challenges

Student challenges that cultivates educational agility in students

Feedback: It's Not what You Think

Helpful feedback has little to do with what the teacher thinks, for example the pre-supposition the teacher makes about the outcomes of student projects, and is much more about developing an openness to what actually works and what others like, without an absolute truth either stated or implied by the curriculum. Let the students decide what to do by emphasizing these two types of feedback: - Natural feedback - Collaborative feedback


We as teachers are so used to making each instructional minute count that we seldom provide slack time. We define slack as space in the curriculum in which students need to go through the process of determining their next logical steps. The process requires patience on the part of teachers and the qualities of curiosity and responsibility on the part of students. Teacher patience, because slack can look like wasted time (we do not think it is!) and curiosity and responsibility, because learning is ultimately up to the student. We often, traditionally, speed things up by reducing variables, declaring exactly what step comes next, cleaning the learning path up, and holding students’ hands. But we should perhaps let them struggle through the process a whole lot more.

Reflection: The Key to Adaptability

Frequent, even daily, mini-reflections lead to adaptable students and curriculums. Ideally, guide the students to where they are comfortable to self-reflect with you. This of course means guiding the kids to where they have the confidence and insight to self-reflect and self-correct instead of relying (or even fearing) external assessment and correction.


Uplift is a practice of EDgility that I resisted for a long time and I am still trying to understand both its definition and role. It’s opposite, described here as downpush, is too often the experience of students in school, of that I’m relatively sure. Students do not need downpush, and learning is not enabled through it. But what is exactly its opposite, uplift? It’s not just feeling good, not even just kindness and respect. It also carries an element of feeling good due to a sense of purpose and earned accomplishment.


Teachers are to provide students opportunities to learn and grow independently.

Pulling Agile into Education: Examples to learn by

The authors present samples of agile in education as a starting point to understand the agile mindset. Readers are also invited to contribute samples of their agile-infused teaching.

Patient Explanations Lead to Good Things

Reflections on educational improvements through student choice, self-regulation, and challenge.

Getting Agile at School

Approaches to encourage learner ownership and self-regulation using Agile principles.

Beyond the Classroom: Expanding the Notion of Self-regulated Learning

The story of a high school student who demonstrated the need for the school curriculum to have flexible space into which new and interesting opportunities can be inserted.